Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Summer is here!

Isn't summer so much fun? A looser schedule, family trips, time at the pool, sleeping in, summer movies, cooking dinner on the grill etc. etc. 

I'm new to living in a state that actually has seasons and I am loving the anticipation, change and joy of each season. 

But every change brings new challenges and summer is included in this. Some of them can be:

1. Making healthy choices while traveling

2. The treats that come with barbecues, camp outs, travel and family get togethers

3. Maintaining a work out schedule in a time of little scheduling

4.  Drinking water in a season that features cold sodas

5. Fitting in enough fruits and vegetables when you might not be doing the cooking 


It's all up to you whether you want to try to maintain some healthy habits or just let it all go in the fun of summer. And while you may not want to continue on with the strictness we have focused on for this 8 week challenge. let's spend some time thinking if we can maintain at least a few of these good habits for the rest of the summer. 

Here are a few ideas:

1. Grab some prepared salad and take it along to a family getaway to supplement what the group is eating.

2. Avoid filling up on treats. If the family is cooking s'mores in the evening make sure you have totally satisfied your appetite with healthy dinner choices and remember, make and totally enjoy one delicious S'more with the family instead of eating until you are stuffed.

3. Make sure you always have a purse snack for when hunger hits when you are out and about. Of course apples but why not a small container of cherries, your favorite protein bar or some air popped popcorn.

4. How are you going to fit in exercise? If family activities are going to preclude your gym time why not add some exercise to the fun? Jump on the trampoline with your children or grandchildren, run through the sprinklers, participate in a family softball game, enjoy a walk in nature.

5. Never leave the house without your water bottle. My sister in law has one of those cool ones with the ounces marked off with the clock as a reminder to sip throughout the day which is healthier than one big chug. Add ice and carry with you and make sure you sip throughout the day.

6. Wear sunscreen. Simple. I now at a family reunion trip with 12 adults over 60 and 2 people got bad sunburns yesterday. Yikes- don't we know better by now?

7. Have the wonderful summer treats on hand and ready to enjoy. Don't you love the season in season (and much more delicious)  of watermelon, cherries and berries? I can't give you the name brand because I'm not home but I also have a stock of freezer pops that have no sugar- fruit juice only and are 25 calories. Such a nice healthy treat! 

So our last challenge for this round of competition is to make a summer plan. Think about what you will be doing this summer and make a strategy to include some healthy habits in the plan. You don't need to use any of the ones I listed above. You know your summer fun and challenges just make a plan. 

I want you to list 3 strategies you will include this summer to maintain and enrich your health. To earn the weekly bonus points you need to.

1. E-mail me your 3 point strategy

2. Also share with me what your favorite challenge was during this round of competition 
