Monday, April 29, 2024

Eating Bugs

I came home from the Healthy Utah Conference all excited about making my own Kombucha. I wanted to start that day. Darn it. The "mother" or active part of the process has to rest for a full month because she is stressed from being moved to the venue and then me purchasing the kit and transporting it home. I'll keep you posted on my Kombucha brewing process. But just last evening we enjoyed dinner at a friend's home and she was talking about her husband making delicious home made yogurt in their instapot. You can really get creative with this week's challenge if you want to. 

But with all this Kombucha talk you probably guessed it- Once again I am going to challenge you to eat some bugs. You’ll be relieved to know I’m not referring to the creepy crawly, and maybe even leggy and crunchy roaches, ants or crickets-- I’m talking about microscopic bugs—the beneficial bacteria that are naturally present in foods like yogurt or kefir. 

According to one of my favorite nutrition bloggers Monica Reinagel M.S.,L.D./N. from  “Every traditional cuisine has developed some sort of naturally fermented or cultured food. There’s Japanese miso, Bulgarian yogurt, Polish sauerkraut, Indian lassi, and Korean kim-chee. And each of these plays a central role in that culture’s cuisine … and for good reason. All of these foods contain lactobacillus bacteria, which are extremely beneficial to your health. In the days before antibiotics and other drugs, cultured and fermented foods were critical to staying healthy.”

Monica goes on to explain that “The friendly bacteria found in these foods actually set up housekeeping in your gut, where they do all kinds of good things for you: They help digest your food and produce certain vitamins for you. They keep the lining of your intestines slick and shiny. Most of all, they make it harder for unfriendly bacteria to take hold and make you sick.”

In other words if we have a basic population of beneficial bacteria in our gut our digestive system will work better and our body will be healthier and better able to fight off disease.

Monica goes on to explain that “Unfortunately, the traditional methods of fermenting cabbage in stoneware crocks, or burying salted vegetables in pits in the back yard, or culturing warm goat’s milk on the hearth are just not as common as they used to be. Instead, we have ultra-pasteurized milk that keeps for six weeks. Let me assure you that no beneficial bacteria survive the ultra-pasteurization process.”

Personally I love kimchi (I had a Kimchi taco last week- yum)  and Kefir (Kefir is a fermented milk drink made with grains and is believed to have its origins in the Caucasus Mountains. It is available in health food and many grocery stores and it tastes like a yogurt drink but almost like it has a bit of carbonation. My sons love it) but probably the easiest way to get our daily lactobacillus fix is to eat yogurt regularly 

Which brand of yogurt should you buy? Look for brands that advertise “living cultures” (Recent studies show Stonyfield to be the brand with the most active and live cultures).

It’s pretty easy to work some yogurt into your daily diet. Besides eating it as a breakfast or snack you can easily add it to smoothies or soups or use it in dips or spreads .

And I’m a step ahead of you ladies in your day dreaming. Does frozen yogurt (one of my all time favorite treats) contain live active yogurt bacteria and qualify as “eating yogurt’?  Maybe and maybe not. It seems that while the freezing process does NOT kill the yogurt bacteria some frozen yogurts use heat-treated yogurt, which does kill the live and active cultures. The best way to find out is to ask at your local frozen yogurt shop or look for the NYA Live & Active Cultures seal. What you want is live active yogurt bacteria. And remember if you find a frozen yogurt which contains live culture but also has sugar it DOES count as a treat for your sugar day! You might enjoy plain or unsweetened yogurt with some fresh fruit or non-caloric sweetener added. 

For every day that you eat at least 1 serving of a fermented food (sauerkraut, miso, yogurt, kefir, kim-chee etc.)  containing live and active cultures or take a probiotic supplement you earn the daily 5 bonus points. Happy yogurt eating ladies! 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Organized Fridge

I apologize for being pokey in posting last week's results (still having a small tech issue with the spread sheet). I had a really fun Friday and Saturday, attending "Be Healthy Utah" at the Sandy Expo center. It was 2 days full of health focused classes along with milling around among countless healthy vendors. It was so much fun. I'll be sharing a bit of what I learned over our next few weeks together but for this week we are going go focus on having a healthy refrigerator.

While we would all like to have an instagram worthy look to our refrigerator what really matters is having fresh and healthy food clean, prepared and easy to grab and making sure nothing gets overlooked and spoils.

How Often to Organize Your Refrigerator 

You should declutter your fridge on a weekly basis—if you do your main grocery shopping once a week then right before that trip is a good time to clean, purge and make room.  This is the time to throw away those things that are part their prime and make plans to use up those getting near that point.  Wipe up spills at this point too. 

The Best Way To Organize Your Fridge 

  1.      Edit and Sort Your Food 

    • Take everything out of your fridge and toss any withered produce, leftovers more than 3-4 days old, and expired condiments or dairy products. I don't know about you but I wish it weren't so hard to find the expiration date on condiments.  Periodically go through and check every one. 
    • Deep Clean Your Fridge 
    • To start with a clean slate in your fridge, wash shelves and bins in dish detergent and hot water, and consider a rinse with water and a capful of bleach. Wipe dry with a microfiber cloth. 
    • Put items you reach for most often (or want to reach for more often) within easy reach and at eye level. Have healthier snacks prepared and ready to go and placed front and center so you and your family are more likely to reach for them. Right after unloading her groceries Suzy Robertson (of prepares small containers with a variety of cut fruits and veggies and hummus or dip that can easily be grabbed as family members head out the door. She is just a normal mom and realizes real life happens so they often snack on fresh fruits and veggies on the way to a lesson, sporting event or even to dinner at McDonald's. 
    • You might want to group items in the fridge as well- all beverages together, all condiments together, or all the fixings for your go-to breakfast in one easy-to-reach spot, basket or container. 
  2. Place Your Shelves 

    • No you don't have to use the shelves configured as the manufacturer pre-set them. You may even decide to remove some of the shelves if you find yourself with a large number of tall items or stacking storage bins that need to be stored.
  3. Find the Right Organizing Products and prep right after your get home from the grocery store

    • Use clear fridge organization containers to help you easily see last night's leftovers or the pre-prepped ingredients for tonight's dinner. I prefer clear glass. 
    • The class I attended taught by Suzy Robertson recommended Progressive International Prepworks ProKeeper Clear Food Storage Container 3 Piece Set with Sealed Tight Lids and Drip Case Base (from Amazon) especially for storing berries. 
    • Suzy recommends soaking berries and grapes in a solution of 2 T. apple cider vinegar and 8 cups of warm water (she re-used this same solution with more than one batch of fruit) for 5-10 minutes before putting in containers to refrigerate. She says this will keep your fruit fresh for 1-3 weeks.

      She also suggested pre-slicing apples to invite family members to grab and munch on them and pre-soaking them to prevent browning (the ratio is 1/2 tsp. Kosher salt to 1 cup of warm water-you can eat with salt rinse on them or rinse right before eating). She even peels her cuties (she has children help with this) and has them peeled in a clear glass container ready to take snack on or grab and go. 

      I would love it if all of our refrigerators looked like Suzys: sparkling clean, featuring fresh ingredients, with healthy snacks up front, totally prepared and ready to grab. 

      So our challenge to earn the 35 bonus points for this week is to completely clean out your fridge:
      1. Empty out all contents.
      2. Wash and dry all shelves and drawers.
      3. Check the dates on all condiments and toss and replace what is out of date.
      4. Organize items in a way that works best for you and consider if you need new baskets, containers or food storage dishes. 
      5. Prepare some on the go snacks of fruits, veggies, hummus, dip etc. Have them completely clean and ready and easy to grab. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Skipping Zzzzzz's can make you fat

We just took a family trip to Disneyland. The accommodations required us to sleep with 1 year old grandson Nico in our room. Along with Nico came his white noise machine and guess what? We haven't slept that good in ages. My husband periodically turns on white noise at night on his phone to help us sleep but it has never worked as well as the Yogasleep portable White Noise Machine.

 I think hubby and I have been waking each other up with heavy breathing or snoring noise, noise from rolling over, noise from getting up to use the bathroom etc.  And you know whenever something slightly wakes you up you start thinking "do I need to use the bathroom?" and eventually you decide the answer is yes so more sleep disruption. So this noise machine has really helped us. 

A U.S. study looked at sleep, metabolism and eating habits of 16 men and women. Researchers at the University of Colorado found that when subjects came up short on sleep, they experienced almost immediate weight gain. As reported by the The New York Times reports, the study, published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found fast weight gain among the sleep-deprived regardless of gender.  

In the abstract, researchers note, "Our findings suggest that increased food intake due to insufficient sleep is a physiological adaptation to provide energy needed to sustain additional wakefulness; yet when food is easily accessible, intake surpasses that needed." Wright suggested part of those extra pounds was a product of behavioral changes.

      “We found that when people weren’t getting enough sleep they overate carbohydrates,” he said.He added that  part of the change was behavioral. Staying up late and skimping on sleep led to not only more eating, but a shift in the type of foods a person consumed.
       Night owls managed to consume 6 per cent more calories and from less nutritious foods. But once they started sleeping more, they began eating more healthfully, consuming fewer carbohydrates and fats.
       I think a lot of it can be caused when we are confused by our body signals. We are sleepy or cranky or worn out so we reach for a comfort food for a quick dose of energy. Later (feeling low energy from lack of sleep and nutritionless carbohydrates) we skip the gym and pick up takeout for dinner-- no time to cook. It's a vicious cycle.
       Additional problems are explained by Michael Breus, PhD, author of Beauty Sleep and the clinical director of the sleep division for Arrowhead Health in Glendale, Arizona, “It’s not so much that if you sleep, you will lose weight, but if you are sleep-deprived, meaning that you are not getting enough minutes of sleep or good quality sleep, your metabolism will not function properly.” 
       The two hormones that are key in this process are ghrelin and leptin. “Ghrelin is the ‘go’ hormone that tells you when to eat, and when you are sleep-deprived, you have more ghrelin,” Breus says. “Leptin is the hormone that tells you to stop eating, and when you are sleep deprived, you have less leptin.” More ghrelin plus less leptin equals weight gain. “You are eating more, plus your metabolism is slower when you are sleep-deprived,” Breus says.

I taught early morning Seminary for 13 years and I did notice nearly all of us sleep deprived early rises gained weight. 
Ackk so what does all of this news have to do with our challenge for this week?

For every day you do at least 3 things to contribute to getting a good night’s sleep this week you can claim your 5 points from the Weekly Challenge. (They can be the same 3 things each day- find what works for you) Ideas would include:

1. Clean your bedroom. Fresh linens, a beautifully made bed, a tidy end table, a cleared off dresser top, adorned with a favorite photo or fresh flowers- All of these help your bedroom to be a lovely and peaceful place that invites relaxation that contributes to sleep.

2. Cut out the Caffeine- Caffeine (found in chocolate, tea, coffee, sodas and some over the counter medications) can stay in your system as long as 14 hours. Caffeine intake after noon increases the number of times you awaken at night and decreases the total amount of sleep time. This may subsequently affect daytime anxiety and performance

3. Avoid working, eating, and discussing emotional issues in bed (I have a rule for my hubby that nothing stressful can be spoken of after 9:00 pm) The bed should be used for sleep and sex only. If not, we can associate the bed with other activities and it often becomes difficult to fall asleep.

4. Minimize noise, light, and temperature extremes -sleep tools include ear plugs, window blinds, an electric blanket or air conditioner. Even the slightest nighttime noises or luminescent lights can disrupt the quality of your sleep. I can’t tell you how getting blackout curtains and shutters have increased the time I am able to stay asleep. I even have electrical tape over the small lights on my bedside modem.

5. Try not to drink fluids after 8 p.m. This may reduce awakenings due to urination. (This one is a huge problem for me).

6. Avoid naps, but if you do nap, make it no more than about 25 minutes. If you have problems falling asleep, then no naps for you.

7. Do not expose yourself to bright light if you do need to get up at night. Use a small night-light instead. I bought a motion activated night-light (on amazon) that turns on if I do need to walk in the bathroom at night and it is much calmer and more subtle than switching on the full overhead lights.

8. Avoid the light of televisions and computers late at night. My son has been using a program that dims the light emitted from his computer in the evening hours so as not to interfere with sleep. It’s a free program available at   Also your i-pad or phone can be read with white letters on black instead of black on white (to switch it go to preferences then general then accessibility then choose white on black)

9. Consider some natural help aids. Certain herbal teas can help you relax and fall asleep. Chamomile is a popular tea that slows the nervous system and promotes relaxation. A new tea I’ve discovered is Yogi Soothing Caramel Bedtime tea - yum.  Other liquids, such as a small glass of warm milk, may also help. Melatonin (my favorite is Source Naturals Melatonin 1 mg. peppermint flavored sublingual also available at amazon helps many people (though it can cause vivid and sometimes scary dreams). Essential oils can also have great power to aid your sleep. I love Lavender on my pillowcase, Doterra’s Serenity rubbed on the back of my neck and a drop of Clary Sage (Also Doterra) on my tongue. ZZZZZZZZZZ!! As always check with your health professional before trying natural remedies.

10. Take control of your worries. Most of us lead very stressful lives. Stress, surprises, and changes can take a toll on our sleep habits. I often find myself going over, over and over the same worries somehow thinking if I think about it long enough, an easy solution is going to somehow pop up. One way to decrease this endless cycle of worry before bed is to write down your concerns in a journal and close the book on the day. You might even want to note a specific time the following day that you will worry about those things you have listed. If the worrisome topic creeps into your thoughts when you want to sleep just tell your brain "STOP BRAIN" and change the channel to a soothing topic. 

10. If you must get up make it as quick and stress free as possible- Some of you may be young mothers with children that you still may need to get up with during the night. If you are getting up to change a diaper and give hugs and reassurance make sure the diaper and wipes and anything else needed are set out and ready. If you are getting up to nurse or give a bottle likewise have things as ready as possible. Set your favorite cozy blanket in your favorite cozy chair. Have diapering items set out. If you want a cup of tea while nursing have the tea bag and cup set out and the tea pot full of water ready to switch on. Make your night time chores as quick, easy and relaxing as possible.

11. Create a bedtime ritual. It is calming to do the same things each night to signal your body it's time to wind down. This might include taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book, or listening to soothing music — preferably with the lights dimmed. Relaxing activities can promote better sleep by easing the transition between wakefulness and drowsiness. I have found great calming by listening to guided meditations  and particularly like those guided by Stin Hansen. She sponsors the free podcasts Meditation Station and My Thought Coach 

12. Get comfortable. Sleeping clothes should be loose and comfortable and sheets should be fresh and clean. Your mattress and pillows should be those you find the coziest and most comfortable. Do you need any sleeping upgrades?

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

With our "head in the game" we begin again!


I’m so excited that you have committed to making healthy living a priority in your busy life again. We all have so many things that compete for our energy (mental and physical) and it is so so easy to put ourselves last. I’m sure all of you have skipped a meal and then a couple of hours later grabbed something NOT good for you because you were so so hungry. You have all stayed up too late, neglected exercise, forgotten to drink water etc. etc. etc. It’s just so easy in your busyness to let your own healthy habits fall to the wayside. So how can you get your head in the game to put your own wellbeing at the top of your list?

This is your pledge, your dedication to yourself. You must work hard and put your heart into the game. To begin, find your “Why.” Ask yourself- Why do I want to make my health a priority right now?

One thing I’ve found with my recent health battle is one reason to make your health a priority is so that if you hit a road block (as I have with an auto-immune disease) you are in the best shape possible to fight it. The more issues you have going on the harder it is to regain your health when things go awry. Whether it’s because you want to live longer for your grandkids, improve your physical and/or mental health, or fit in your favorite jeans, if you remind yourself of your “why” when you want to give up, you will be less likely to do so. Remember: a commitment is a promise to yourself that you will do what is necessary to achieve your goal.

Composure (Self-Control)
To be successful at weight loss, you must learn to maintain composure, especially under pressure. Learning new coping skills, habits, and behaviors is essential to tolerate emotions, cravings, and situations that may derail your efforts.One thing I am going to ask you to do during this round is to choose some mantras to re-set your resolve when things get busy, difficult and pressured. 

Concentration is another critical skill not only for athletes, but also for people who want to lose weight. One of the things that works well for this method of creating healthy habits is that is has so many facets you really have to focus, track and follow through.  Focus on the healthy habits that will propel you toward your goals. Be meticulous in tracking your habits in real time (including actually measuring portions and water ounces). This will help you create lasting change and achieve your goals, you must make healthy living practices habitual and concentrate on the behaviors that will help you succeed in your weight loss efforts.

Believing you will succeed is more than half the battle. If you have have failed at maintaining healthy habits and healthy weight in the past, having confidence in yourself may be a challenge.

Focusing on your strengths helps build confidence in your ability to make wise choices. You are likely too critical of yourself and tend to forget about times you have succeeded. Mantras are also helpful in helping build confidence and achieve your goals by changing your self-talk. Tell yourself:

  • This time will be different
  • I am capable of success
  • I can do it
  • I am worth it 

Consistency is the key to forging good habits. If you want to change the quality of your life, you must set yourself up to win. One of my favorite sayings is “If you do what you did you will get what you got.” If you want to have better results and a healthier life you need to make new habits.

For our first weekly bonus challenge I would like you to:

  1. Make a list on your phone (or a note on your bathroom mirror) of 5 benefits you enjoy when you are making healthy choices for yourself.

2.  Think of and write down (phone or bathroom note) 3 mantras you can use when time gets tight and it is tempting to skip choosing a healthy habit for yourself. Something you can run through your head like:

“I am worth the effort to make the hard choice for myself right now”

“When I choose well for myself I feel better mentally and physically”

“When I make myself a priority I have more energy and band width do love and serve others”

You can use these or choose your own. 

3. Share the above with your partner and decide how you will support each other in this competition. What help and encouragement do you need? Ask for it!