Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Fresh Start Week #1

Wowsers! Here we are again. A group of women wanting to take a few weeks to give high priority to the care and nurture of our physical bodies! And we will do amazingly well at it! I can't wait to get started.

Please check this blog site early each week to discover the new weekly challenge (which will begin each Wednesday morning). It's nice to have a few days to make preparations if needed.

Our challenge for Week # 1 is to do ALL of the following. If you complete all of these things you can claim the daily bonus of 5 points for each day:

1. Take your waist and hip measurements and weigh yourself early tomorrow morning. Note these numbers somewhere safe!

2. If you have not already done so join myfitnesspal.com and begin tomorrow logging in all of the food and drink you partake of each day as well as your daily exercise.

3. If you do not already have friends on myfitnesspal.com add at least 4 friends. You can often find them by noting their e-mail addresses from the headers in the e-mails I send out.

4. Have some kind of encouraging contact between you and your competition partner every day this week. Send her a hallmark card, a text, a tweet, a facebook message or if you live nearby why not get together for a walk or a tall glass of ice water? Have some kind of contact between you each day!

Most weeks we will only have one simple daily action to track for the bonus points but we always have some odds and ends to get us off to a good start at the beginning. Please e-mail me with any questions.


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