My daughter mentioned that in a church lesson she attended the teacher inquired what everyone's favorite fruits were. She was surprised that the majority of ladies said strawberries. She wondered how many of them regularly tried other options from the wide variety of delicious fruits. (BTW her and my favorite fruit is pomegranate)
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Challenge #3 Try a new fruit or vegetable every day
My daughter mentioned that in a church lesson she attended the teacher inquired what everyone's favorite fruits were. She was surprised that the majority of ladies said strawberries. She wondered how many of them regularly tried other options from the wide variety of delicious fruits. (BTW her and my favorite fruit is pomegranate)
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Week.2 Challenge a TRIBUTE to my healthy living partner GAIL and our tech girl and a plea to build muscle mass
This week's bonus challenge is inspired by a text Gail sent me this week.
"At the gym today I used their machine to tell me what my body fat percentage was and how much lean mass (muscle, bones,). I was 31% fat and my leans mass was 90lbs. According to the gym guy an adult woman of my height should have 100lbs of lean mass. I need to gain 10 lbs of muscle. He said to check it once a month to see if my plan was making progress. I’m going to be sure i am getting 100 grams of protein daily and do more weight exercise classes at the gym and at home I can use 5 lb weights to do more reps."
I have a similar scale and while I'm not sure it is as accurate as the reading Gail is getting from gym trainers I think I can trust the relative information. It can show me my percentage of lean body mass and if that is increasing or decreasing.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
I am hoping you are getting excited about getting started. If it is your first time joining us one thing you can work on in the next few days is setting up an account at
This service is free and you will learn to love it. It is one of those things that gets easier to use the more you use it.
One of the things that will earn you points is recording EVERYTHING YOU EAT every day. THE CHANGE FOR THIS ROUND OF COMPETITION IS YOU MUST RECORD WHAT YOU EAT ON THIS WEBSITE rather than in a notebook or on a scrap of paper.
A few helpful things:
1. If you have a smart phone there is an app to use myfitnesspal on your phone
2. It is OK to write what you have eaten on a paper as long as you enter it into the computer program before midnight each day
3. Take the time now to sign up for the website and to set your goals. You will choose how many pounds you want to lose per week and the program will select a number of calories per day for you to eat.
4. You will earn points every day for entering EVERYTHING you eat on the program and you will earn bonus points every day you stay within your caloric allowance
5. If you exercise the program allots you more calories in your daily amount! Yahoo!
6. The program has a lot of food items from restaurants and grocery stores already entered. As you select those things you eat most often you can save them which makes it way easier the next time to enter what you've eaten. Sounds complicated but it's super easy.
So go ahead and sign up and set up your goals. Wait until Wednesday morning to weigh and measure. That information can be entered here too!
So our BONUS challenge for the first week for which you will earn 35 points for the week is:
1. Set up your account on and on Wednesday morning begin entering what you eat.
2. Communicate with your partner (in person or by text or e-mail) and talk about your personal goals for healthy living and how you can support each other
3. Read the RULES and FAQS tabs on this blog
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Happy New Year
This last year has been a health challenge for me. The end of 2023 I suddenly had a droopy eye. I was sent to the emergency room for tests as they suspected cancer or a stroke. Over the next few months I faced a mis-diagnosis of lymphoma and later a diagnosis of sarcoidosis. I was put on a string of medications that caused extreme fatigue, hair loss, and nausea. My eye continued to droop and I could only drive if I tilted my head way back so I could see through the tiny slit. Little kids even made fun of me "Mommy what is wrong with that ladies eye?" The doctor said the eye was just traumatized and would heal in a few months but I saw no improvement as the months wore on. I sought alternative remedies with regular acupuncture, red light therapy, salt room therapy, sugar free diet, cryotherapy, and mountains of supplements with no improvement.
I thought maybe I should seek a second opinion but had no idea how to find a qualified doctor. Finally at book club a friend said "I don't know why I hadn't thought about it sooner but maybe you should get my eye doctor to check it out." It was as if a spotlight shone on her when she said it. What a blessing to find a new doctor that diagnosed that the ligament had been severed from the muscle and that was why my eye couldn't open. I would need to continue my medication (to keep the mass that had grown in my eye gland from re-growing) and he would reattach the muscle and ligament but things should improve.
So here I am with a much improved eye (I have a refinement surgery this week) and a renewed desire to help my body to be healthy.
I read this week that most of those that died from covid had 3 cormobidities. And so it seems if we are healthy when we get sick it is easier to get back to good health. So if for no other reason you might want to join us in our 8 week journey of focusing on our health so that we may have the most healthy and enjoyable 2025.
Look at the FAQ's and RULES TABS on this blog for more details and then find a female partner (she does NOT have to live in your same area) and let me know that you want to join us ( The cost is just $5 a week so $40 for the 8 week competition and there are cash prizes for the most successful duos. We would love to have you join us.